Monday, March 13, 2006

Killingtime in the Void

Hello (Hello) there anybody out there...?

Let me start by just taking a quick poll. If you're reading this post and you are NOT related to me, be it by blood or marriage, please leave a comment. It doesn't have to be Shakespeare. I'm just curious to see if anyone is reading this stupid thing.

Now for some random thoughts:

- I get to leave for Sudbury in 2 hours. It's foggy. It's rainy. It's a 3 1/2 trek.
- My dog is depressed. He didn't get his walk today.
- Prime Minister Harper is in Afghanistan. Good for him.
- I just burned a CD with over 130 songs for my forthcoming car ride.
- I just had a frozen pizza for supper. I must be a masochist.
- I'm thirsty.
- I need music.
- That's better. Matt Good. I'm going to see him, donchaknow?
- Set up my webcam today. Spoke to my Dad and Daryn with it. Why did I wait so long?
- Should blogging be a chore?
- Have I ever written anything of consequence?
- Where is my contractor?
- Battlestar Galactica is a hawesome show. Watch it.....or die!
- you won't die....but you're missing out.
- I hope Matt Good is good live. After 10 years, I don't want to be dissappointed.
- Why don't I start writing the novel/screenplay I keep telling myself I'm going to write?
- Have you seen the Muffin Man?
- The Muffin Man?
- The Muffin Man.
- Why doesn't anyone I ever talk to like The Thin Red Line? It's one of my favourite movies.
- I'm already tired. Why did I have to get up at 730am. It's going to be a long drive.
- My driving partner from work keeps trying to "save" me. He says anyone who isn't Born Again is going to Hell.
- I wonder what's happening in Pelican Narrows right now.
- I can't believe it's not butter.
- Is there anything else?
- Nope.


Blogger Laura said...

Great to hear from you... trust me this won't be shakespeare.
You'll have to let me know where you went in Scotland. We're trying to make it to the highland games in Peebles and we wanted to go to loch ness and edinburgh as well as brechin (where Jay's grandma was from). I can't wait!
Congratulations on your wedding too! I'll have to surf through your blog to see if I can find pictures of your wedding and trip (man I'm nosey)

1:45 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Success! After only 8 days, someone has commented. I guess the trick to getting people to read your blog is to leave a comment on theirs. Who knew? ;)

8:02 PM  

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